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Collider & Mandala Series

These are highly contour cut puzzles where the shape of the cuts allows up to eight axes to meet at one corner without creating a huge number of tiny pieces. This technique allowed some otherwise very complex geometries to be simplified.



Collider-10 is a relatively shallow cut face-turning pentagonal dipyramid. In addition, curved cuts have been used to simplify the puzzle at the polar vertices. While this eliminates many pieces that would otherwise appear, it also creates quite a bit of overhang bandaging, making for a very tricky puzzle.


Purchase Collider-10 in my i.materialise shop.

Collider Cube

Collider Cube

Collider Cube is a puzzle based on the geometry of the tetrakis hexahedron. It has 24 axes of rotation; four on each face, or two at each edge of the cube. Each axis can stop at any of four places where adjacent turns can be made. But watch out for collisions between the pieces as they turn and get in each other's way! This overhang bandaging makes the puzzle tricky to solve.


Purchase Collider Cube in my i.materialise shop.

Buy it ready to play at Grigorusha.

Collider Octahedron

Collider Octahedron

Collider Octahedron is a puzzle based on the geometry of the triakis octahedron. It has 24 axes of rotation; three on each face, or two at each edge of the cube. Each axis can stop at any of four places where adjacent turns can be made. But watch out for collisions between the pieces as they turn and get in each other's way!


Purchase Collider Octahedron in my i.materialise shop.

Buy it ready to play at Grigorusha.

Collider Dodecahedron

Collider Dodecahedron is a puzzle based on the geometry of the Pentakis dodecahedron. It has 60 axes of rotation; five on each face, or two at each edge of the dodecahedron. Each axis can stop at any of four places where adjacent turns can be made. Overhang bandaging and the fact that some stops are very close to others and can be hard to distinguish make the puzzle trickier to solve.


Collider Dodecahedron is not for sale, but you can see more about it in my i.materialise shop.

Collider Dodecahedron
Collider Tetrahedron

Collider Tetrahedron

Collider Tetrahedron is a puzzle based on the geometry of the triakis tetrahedron. It has 12 axes of rotation; three on each face, or two at each edge of the cube. Each axis can stop at any of four places where adjacent turns can be made. But watch out for collisions between the pieces as they turn and get in each other's way! This overhang bandaging makes the puzzle trickier to solve.


Purchase Collider Tetrahedron in my i.materialise shop.

Buy it ready to play at Grigorusha.

Collider Rhombdo

Collider Rhombdo

The Collider Rhombdo is a puzzle based on the geometry of the disdyakis dodecahedron. It has 48 axes of rotation, or four on each face. Each axis can initially stop at any of six places where adjacent turns can be made. The puzzle features overhang bandaging along with crazy jumbling, making it a challenge to solve.


Purchase Collider Rhombdo in my i.materialise shop.

Mandala Cube

Mandala Cube

Mandala Cube is a puzzle based on the geometry of the disdyakis dodecahedron. It has 48 axes of rotation; eight on each face, or four at each edge of the cube. Each axis can initially stop at any of six places where adjacent turns can be made. The puzzle features overhang bandaging along with crazy jumbling, making it an extreme challenge to solve.


Purchase Mandala Cube in my i.materialise shop.

Buy it ready to play at Grigorusha.

Mandala Dodecahedron

Mandala Dodecahedron is a puzzle based on the geometry of the disdyakis triacontahedron. It has an incredible 120 axes of rotation; ten on each face, or four at each edge of the dodecahedron. Each axis can initially stop at any of six places where adjacent turns can be made. The puzzle features overhang bandaging along with crazy jumbling, making it an extreme challenge to solve.


Purchase Mandala Dodecahedron (be sure to buy all four models needed!) in my i.materialise shop.

Buy it ready to play at Grigorusha.

Mandala Dodecahedron

Pop & Twist

Pop and Twist is a flat puzzle based on the geometry of my Collider series of puzzles. The Collider Cube has four sides per face, the Collider Dodecahedron has five sides per face, and now the Pop and Twist has six sides per face. Of course this makes for a planar puzzle, and requires a new mechanism to allow the axes to turn. Thus the "Pop" in the name, as the axles are pushed upwards from underneath to free them to rotate.

Pop & Twist
Pop & Twist 12 Color

Pop & Twist 12 Color

This version of the Pop & Twist puzzle was intended to make the original (and very simple) Pop and Twist puzzle a bit harder to solve. While the puzzle didn't really achieve that purpose, it is certainly more colorful!

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